Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Learning to "Feel the Force"

"History reminds us that at every moment of  economic upheaval  and transformation, this nation has responded with bold action and big ideas." As President Barack Obama addressed a joint session of Congress on Tuesday, Feb. 24, he took a moment to look back, pointing to the innovations that have arisen from times of difficulty: the railroad tracks, laid across the country in the midst of the civil war; the public high school system that emerged from the Industrial Revolution; the GI Bill that sent a generation to college. Obama's theme was clear: Times of economic difficulty can inspire extraordinary innovation. And now, even as the markets continue their roller-coaster ride, he described a time "to put in place tough, new common-sense rules of the road so that our financial market rewards drive and innovation and punishes shortcuts and abuse."

New toys will hark back to the 1980s, when science and math ruled the store shelves, but will have a futuristic twist. This Star Wars "Force Trainer" toy, which comes out in July 2009, measures a child's brain waves. The child then concentrates to control the ball in the tube.

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